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                        CHRONOLOGY of HITTITES                  

                        Khatti at Hattusa                    

                        The dates of the kings are approximate, but

Phases            synchronize Assyria and Babylonia and Egypt

700 yr cycle                

            1            Pitkhanas of Kussara                        ca 1900 BC

            2            Anittas of Kussara                   

M‑1     3            Tudhaliyas I                                         1740            1710

M‑2     4            Pu‑Sarrumas                                      1710            1680

M‑2     5            Labarnas                                             1680            1650

M‑3     6            Hattusilis I(Khattushilish)                     1650            1620

            7            Mursilis I (son #5)                                 1620            1590

M‑3     8            Hantilis I(Khantilish I)                           1590            1560

                        (bro in law #7 /wife gr dau #6)           

            9            Zidantas I (son #8)                               1560            1550

            10            Ammunash (son #9)                          1550            1530

            11            Hazziyas I(Khuzziyash I) brief            1530            1525

M‑4     12            Telipinus                                              1525            1500

            13            Alluwamnas                                         1500            1490

            14            Hantilis II (brief reign)                          1490            1485

            15            Zidantas II                                             1485            1460

            16            Huzziyas II                                             1460            1450

M‑5     17            Tudhaliyash II                                       1450            1440

M‑6     18            Arnuwandas I son #17                        1440            1420

M‑7     19            Hattusilis II son #17, bro #18              1420            1400

            20            Tudhaliash III (son #19)                       1400            1385

            21            Arnuwandas II (son #20)                     1385            1375

            22            Suppiliumas I (son #20)                      1375            1335

            23            Arnuwandas III(son #22)                      1335            1334

M‑8     24            Mursilis II (son #22 bro #23)               1334            1306

            25            Muwatallis (son #24)                           1306            1282

            26            Urhi‑teshub (son #25)                         1282            1275

            27            Hattusilis III (son #24)                           1275            1250

M‑9     28            Tudhaliyas IV (son #27)                       1250            1220

            30            Arnuwandas IV (son #28)                     1220            1190

M‑9     31            Suppiluliumas II (son #28also)              ca 1190   

                        End of Khatti ca 1190 BC                  




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