SOCIAL ENGR 5          

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BABIES ARE VALUABLE. In fact the only hope for the future of our race lies with our children, and WE HAVE FORGOTTEN THIS. They require a huge amount of trouble from conception, to birth, and nurturing to the time that they are "released into the wild" at age 18-22 or so. This effort is necessary for mankind as a whole. Pessimistically all too many children will not turn out to be worth the effort expended, but optimistically children also are the only positive long range hope for the future of mankind. We need to make this point as part of our value system, as we value ourselves, our partner, our children, family & eventually mankind.


Abortion clearly is killing and thus destructive and thus unethical.


The killing of an unborn baby is unethical in part because it is a form of denial of the value of human life in general, & denial of self worth in specific, and a form of self murder. But that is NOT a social argument; that is a personal ethic involving self value. If the couple did not value each other, then what were they doing having sex?

IRRESPONSIBILITY: One irresponsibility can not be ethically used to offset another irresponsibility.

The pregnant female got that way by irresponsible sex, NOT having taken control of her own body in the first place; so the argument of wanting "control of her body" is hypocritical, pathetic and self contradictory at best.

The male was also irresponsible, but he does not get pregnant, she does. Should the male be known, I would suggest that he be liable for her partial support for a limited time up to 9 months, the same time that the mother to be is being held liable. 


There is also another exception to the male responsibility rule, if the sex act was a not for mutual pleasure and was a "business transaction," i.e. prostitution which comes in many forms, including a woman "paying" a male back for a good time, for example a fun vacation or even just a show & dinner, or perhaps other value such as "Diamonds are a girl's best friend", in which case the woman took the risk as part of the business transaction.


But Abortion also is self correcting in the very long run. I will allow her children to argue it out with MY children. Since she had none, then the bad ethic will have disappeared. Who has a right to delegate to halt the abortion?  Only if someone individual or group VOLUNTEERS to support the woman for 7 or so months and then adopt the baby can they even ASK her to consider carrying the baby to term. No pay no say. Society can not FORCE this ethic on her since they are forcing their own ethic on someone else. On the other hand if they feel so strongly then they may (should) offer this option.


NOTE RUSSIA is in trouble since they lost their entire value system and forgotten the importance of children. There are more abortions than live births!  People must VALUE their children, and valuing their own lives is preliminary to valuing children.



Bankruptcy is a form of "mercy" a forgiveness of incompetence. It is a social mercy for past incompetence. The debtor made errors and the lender also made an error in judgement in lending to that person for improper reasons. The lender is harmed more by the loss of his accumulated wealth.

Society forgives the errors and lets the debtor start fresh. They wipe out the debts to individuals, thus harming the lenders, but not taxes!! This is absurd.


The GOVERNMENT i.e. the IRS should forgive taxes FIRST. They now hold that it is better to require an INDIVIDUAL to suffer loss as opposed to the collective society, who are forgiving the debt.  Ethically this is an intolerable breach!- The very first debt to be forgiven should be the general one!. Particularly when the IRS causes the default then they should be the first to forgive the problem.

I propose an end to bankruptcy for voluntary incompetence. It Should be continued for conditions beyond the reasonable control of the person involved. Crop failures, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, "acts of god", Major unexpected health problems, etc.  should be a valid reason to forgive debts.


General incompetence, taking imprudent risks, or even more to the point laziness, lack of self motivation, a blatant refusal to work should NOT be allowed. Those who can not or will not support them-selves, but ask for public assistance should be required to do involuntary PRIVATE labor in payment in return for loaned sustenance etc. {i.e reintroduce public indenture and even slavery - the government sells the services of the debtor to highest bidder with the yearly pay going toward the debt, or auction the debtor off for the payment of the total debt to bidder that will take least time in service for fixed debt, to pay off the debt} 


40) Society must swap value for value, service for value or value for service; but not redistribute wealth. It may not indulge in charity. 



Churches have become a "business" not group of people, who have similar religious needs. Church originally meant a congregation, a group of people with similar beliefs. The general immunity from taxation now should be reconsidered, based upon this conversion to business activities, and politics.


MUCH RELIGION IS REALLY POLITICS as opposed to true religious basis If we Separate politics and religion, then we must keep them both totally separate, and prohibit mixing acts back from religion into politics as well!


Televangelists, hypocrites, charlatans, and con-men have turned this

into a lucrative business, selling "God's blessings". This is a form of fraud, and should be prosecuted just like any other fraud. Only if they can PROVE their assertions do they deserve pay for what they are selling. Apply the "truth in packaging" to their products just like any drug or food product. Thus we apply business ethics to any false claims and demand restitution. I can not understand how anyone can think that if God wished to speak he would need to speak trough some one else! Can he not speak for himself?  Nor can I understand how anyone who believes in an all powerful God would think his communication would be so bad that he would need an interpreter. These charlatans are stealing God's name and reputation. These con men are selling something that they never had, and abusing the concept of God. Religion should not be exempt from ethics, and should be required to state precisely what they offer for requested return (cash donation) value.


Those donations are NOT used by "god," but by men. The donations are not even for God's purposes, but the purposes of men which they perhaps THINK also match God's purposes. Let us get straight who the cash is going to, and who is in control, who uses it. I do not think that God really needs our wealth, simply put he is self sufficient. Those funds should benefit the donors - these people asking for funds must be held fully accountable to US, the donors,  for how they used OUR funds to benefit US.

Out of touch "Leaders"- "Church" leaders often do not have the slightest clue to what their "followers" believe, need, want, or how to help them. Particularly religions where the prelate follows a radically different life style from the general member (i.e.celibate priests) need to be removed from positions of political control, and limited only to what they understand. By separation of control of the secular from the "spiritual", some reality in the system can be preserved.


Fundamentalists !!

These are people who ignore reality and accept dogma as truth. They usually believe in some form of "absolutism", and to that extent are irrational and live in unreal worlds and act for unprovable motives. Because they are in part insane, they are immature and dangerous.


Alarm: these frequently are extremists who use violence and ignore basic ethics. They are so immature that they are dangerous to society, as a whole, and they usually divide into "US and THEM" mentality groups to polarize.


One form of fundamentalist accepts the Bible as "perfect" or TRUE and all that is required, which is pure nonsense. The world is far greater than any few pages of abstract words in a book. And even then it has been translated (mistranslated) from several other languages, so does not fully represent the original writings. These nuts also frequently are irrational and their open immaturity is sufficient to remove their political power lest the contagion spread.


Another form of fundamentalism involves Accepting one written "magical" basis for belief, as opposed to observation. They usually operate on wishes and false assumptions, and are not rational enough to even examine their bad assumptions. They have agreed within their minds to a limited mental existence, and will not change. i.e. they are mentally dead.


Religion frequently is unable to change rapidly to meet new, or even old,  changes in society, to adapt to changing environment, to new factors.

Religion requires stability. Stability is almost a definition of religion, leading to excessive stability, stagnation and obsolescence.


EXCESSIVE structure or "organization" is sickness. Power by age NOT maturity or ability, also is a symptom of internal disorder. POWER based on seniority, not quality, ability or maturity is virtually sure to be inflexible to rapid (or to ANY) changes, and thus bad. A key symptom  is aged, decrepit, leaders well past prime, leading to a loss of vitality.



People with this are usually VERY dangerous socially speaking. They have learned to manipulate others into doing what they, the leader wants, and that is usually opposed to the individuals own self interest, and that of the rest of society. This con man masquerades under altruism and says he is being rewarded for doing good. The taking up of a large collection makes one suspicious. In reality he marches to the drum beat of power, and usually becomes rich which are his real motives. These people include a long list of tyrants such as Hitler, Napoleon, etc. and are the most suspect of all.


"US-THEM" EXCLUSIVE mentality.

"We are the only "true" church separates US from THEM and divides people into groups, the division is into those under the control of the politics of the leadership and those NOT under their control. This tool is used with authoritarianism to prevent the sheep from straying from the flock, and to discredit other points of view before consideration. As a form of censorship, and restriction of values and thinking, it is despicable.


But no "church" is perfect, as churches are made of people and people are imperfect. If by church they mean their dogma, that is equally absurd. This concept is divisive not cohesive, it forms polarized groups of strangers, and is not inclusive as not brothers.


THEOLOGY versus religion,

What the people (congregation , church) believe and what the leaders try to pretend that they believe usually are not even on speaking terms with one another. The Leaders and congregation usually are unable to state or relate actions to basic ethics or principles and the theology is just petty dogma. and they do not act on that dogma.


Theology & written dogma bear little relationship to what people believe,



The courts, particularly the "higher" courts are out of touch with

reality and unresponsive to needs or demands of people, they are out of touch with reality as practiced by the people. Thus they are just playing games like chess- with rules, but in so doing do not support society, and thus need to be re-worked and make responsive.


There now is an excessive delay, and justice delayed is justice denied.

 Some way of getting rid of the procedural mess that causes the delay is required.

ACCESS TO COURT is "exclusive", we must "buy justice" (an oxymoron)

There is an elite class of lawyers holding the monopoly. This must be destroyed and punished.

The Courts operate on artificial rules that supersede pervert & corrupt

 "justice". These must be identified and done away with.


The courts are in general disrepute, The public as a whole has a

general disrespect of people for whole broken system, perhaps even contempt. This has been earned by their actions.


The courts have forgotten the basics- responding to secondary tertiary

rules. Every case should be traced to basics not from the least basic possible means of decision.

The courts are not held responsible for their actions. Thus many

 rulings are irresponsible. While they must be given the benefit of the doubt, particularly in close decisions, Judges who indulge in totally stupid or reckless decisions must be removed permanently from the whole judicial system, and judges who make bad decisions must be required to pay for them.

Complexity: the total law is incomprehensible by total bulk. If the law

is incomprehensible, it is unethical, so reduce to what is comprehensible to a 10 year old child. We obey what we do not understand only by chance, thus we have an intolerable situation.

Uncertain outcome, implies injustice, playing games. Once the facts are

known the outcome should be fully predictable. Justice usually is obvious.

43) Legislature

            Laws are now bought by rich / with political contributions.


Most laws are on a tertiary or even 4th or 5th level basis,

disconnected from the constitution, the basis. They must go back to fundamentals.


The law has Excessive complications it is incomprehensible.

The legal process out of control NOT DELEGATED inflicted from above DRK (Divine Right of Kings) theory hold overs (hangover?)


Special interest groups have excessive control. The law has become a

means of stealing from public by way of special interest programs. i.e. "equal Opportunity" which means give me an unearned advantage, minority favors instead of equal, with rules and protective taxes for special groups, All such are so unethical that they should be punished.


            Monopolies AMA, ABA etc. all equal theft from majority by minority


44) Executive branch disrespected, ineffective, excessive, and corrupt.


The main contact with "cops"(note defamatory term in common use) are

speeding tickets etc. which are viewed as parasitic in most cases since speed laws are unreasonable to the majority, (55 on interstate is a bad joke most cases), or other seat belt, helmet law nonsense.


Guilt by accusation, (both police and News media- TRIAL by News media)

without any chance to explain or without reason.


Bully attitude, the ruffian "jack booted thugs" and corrupt police

destroy respect for rest (See thin blue line), we desperately need, to respect the police to halt and reverse bad ethics, so respect must be restored, but this involves earning respect, and thus changing attitudes.


The Prison system is a bad joke, many conditions not punitive, others

excessively bad, parole negates most deterrent effects, A self serving "criminal justice" (oxymoron) system has failed. They do not want to reduce crime since that would eliminate their job! Reverse incentive.


45) SCHOOLS EDUCATION: (Should we even continue public education?)

Many school classes are just a baby sitting system, they do not teach or the students learn despite the system.

The teachers often are under qualified, schools staffed by grossly incompetent "Education majors" who do not know anything really well.


We now have Universities where RESEARCH is the primary focus, not education, teaching is secondary to professors.


Schools must be under as local control as possible, and totally out of

federal control. Federal action in education is actually prohibited by the 10 th amendment since it is not included in the powers granted, it is excluded. Virtually every federal interference has been an unmitigated disaster, so terminate it. With prejudice.


46) POLITICS: Corrupted overall- disrespected perceived lower

reputation than "used car salesman" - mud slinging, "selling power" via campaign contributions, (if not downright bribery), and a need to buy publicity to get elected,  (this also is a flaw in the communications system).


47) Theory of delegation reversed;

The SWISS are an ARMED but Moderate people, most important they know when NOT to use arms they have, as given to them by "state"=public.



The founding fathers provided that no state should make any Thing a tender except gold or silver coin (tender meaning you can neither offer nor accept any Thing except coin). This in theory eliminates inflation. Currency is backed only by the honesty of the government and the less you think about that probably the happier you will be.


The whole system is out of control, much trade / taxation involves theft & RE-stealing.


NOT PRODUCTION = reward based, since hourly wages do not always equal productivity. incentive / competition restricted also


IRS has so many arrogant unethical behavior patterns that the only solution is to get rid of the whole organization and be sure that no one for the present system is allowed into the successor.


            INFLATION = theft of savings by government


Taxation without equal return for taxes paid to the exact same persons paying them is unethical, The very CONCEPT of "revenues" generalizing taxes so that they may be redistributed without any thought of where they came from as now practiced should be reason for removal from public office.


Commerce protectionism, rules restricting free trade (all= stealing from public for some minority), eliminate all protectionism.


Children, we have forgotten the basic purpose of marriage, i.e. raising children, & the purpose is now secondary to "LOVE" meaning a Hollywood style meaningless word, usually just eros: others DEFINED ABOVE!


Spouse roles We must have some form of dominance, for the male to cherish, for the wife to obey , WHO IS IN CONTROL?  No one.


SEX is not understood, but is a misused hidden "dirty" concept, not HIGHEST HUMAN FUNCTION - get it out of the gutter and into the open!


Courtesy,  The crude language and actions degrade family values to a barbaric level. We need to re-learn common courtesy.


We see Excessive violence, wife beating and the reverse her verbal abuse both of which hurt, Women use WORDS - verbal abuse - just as much a crime as the physical abuse of the stronger males, both forms of violence, and both painful = bad


Divorce - encouraged by unethical laws, the present court 'system" provides incentive and favors divorce! Root out the problems and bad (mostly liberal) assumptions and change the rules.


            Children lack of parental respect/ no self responsibility.


Parents do not value children, Possessive "my" they are reduced to pets not little people


Discipline is lacking in all areas, with the children particularly but parents also.


Role models are lacking, particularly in single sex households, and this is even further encouraged by welfare


            Homosexual families oxymoron


50) Ethics human interpersonal relationships, ( MORES, morals =customs)

Ethics are not taught anywhere, and are confused with religion and puritanical asinine customs.


Self responsibility must go with freedom, separation Responsibility and Freedoms is destructive of both society as a whole and individual freedoms.


51) Communications radio TV movies newspapers, entertainment


EXCESSIVE VIOLENCE in movies, reflection or predictions? The problem is how to control presentation of VIOLENCE without major censorship,  perhaps put tax on violence to discourage it and to censor exposure to children?


Promiscuity, immorality, homosexuality, and other abnormal practices presented as "normal" (Hollywood love!) and dominate what should be normal - we need to correct this presentation.

            MINDLESS  X and R dominate, not G and even that is abnormal.


The news also is a PROPAGANDA media for liberal collectivism, and failed theories in power. This form of untruth also is unethical.


            SENSATIONALISM not normalcy



We have become impersonal robots just a number, credit reporting and other big brother activities by business, and BY GOVERNMENT abuse of Social Security Number as an identification number, the worst fears of 1937 realized. This can be terminated only by major shift in attitude.


53) Homogenization of society

Elimination of individuality, personality, variety.

The shift from individual business to franchises, the smaller mom and

pop stores go to bigger and bigger corporate entities.


54) WELFAREISM: Error in theory, tolerating "the world owes me a living", "SOMEONE" (else) must support those "poor helpless (incompetent) people"  and "children"  has been extended to adult children. If YOU Want to do so fine, but do not force others to do so!


Better off with work houses, indenture, and even slavery if they can not or will not work to support themselves.


            COLLECTIVISM communism socialism, all forced sharing does not work


            GOVERNMENT= to govern = opposed to freedom = Primary force


Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) has become an major abuse, with five generations of single parent on welfare! The Incentive is all wrong, because we rewarded having MORE children, and being as worthless as possible.


Root cause too high a standard of living available by "working the system" not just plain working.


Charity = virtue, destroyed by govt. CHARITY = voluntary actions for good of others, Govt robs individuals of their virtue.



We have actually discouraged innovation,  creativity, by reverse incentive. The businessman gets rich, not the inventor. Being too creative is socially punished. Reward NOT to innovator but to business man who sells, innovation frequently PUNISHED!


Suppressing of new ideas by control of publicity, particularly the control of Journals, and public funding is a major abuse.


A License creating self serving monopolies AMA ADA FDA etc. has benefitted those with the monopoly, not protected the public.


There is an "Old Boy network", with control of recognition and thus funds, Governmental funds especially, and that must be punished.

Restriction of "information" to an elite, this also takes the form of governmental SECRETS. Government paid research is really owned by public, but withheld from public for benefit of an elite (military) minority,  by "secret" etc. basically theft by conversion.


There is a Suppression of new ideas, particularly in established fields of study, all well established domains, defense of territory, those who are in power, have prestige want to retain it whether they deserve it or not.


Status quo- preserve the status of those in power, avoid ANY change.


Government interference, too often this comes from ignorance, FEAR, in power politics.


Over specialization, this is required by bad personnel policies, and the fallacies of the "human resources" people whose job it is to use qualifications against the person applying, and to try to steal good people form competitors for specific jobs.


56 SEX   LOVE (all 6 types) concept confused by lack of referent


Promiscuity as opposed to fidelity  - promiscuity shown most often


Sex for procreation highest human value, vs       abortion ethic - note self correcting in very long run


LACK of good role models, (hidden from children not open and many fools want to prohibit teaching it in schools, while they  also do not teach at home either)


            Lack of definitions of types of love, lack of education all levels


Most teens know how to START a baby, (NOT ALL know even that !! IGNORANCE RAMPANT!) but how many know what happens afterward,  For girls how to have and care for baby in pregnancy and more to the point the stages of labor etc.  We should teach all boys and girls about age 16 how to deliver/ care for a new baby. This is the normal consequences of normal sexual actions, so teach consequences, just this is what to expect.


57) SECURITY down, CRIME up; GANGS, DRUGS, organized crime, mess.


58) Bureaucracy incompetent arrogant, time wasting, and unnecessary

Unnecessary functions are growing, we have promotion by pyramid/ NOT service to public.


INVASIVE into areas where government should not be meddling at all


Doing jobs that do not need to be done and REQUIRING others to do them also, These idiots inspect PAPERWORK as opposed to inspecting aircraft / power plants, cause paperwork instead of real work.


Take a number: Public must wait on them - say who is the boss here?

Long lines for required paperwork (note this is a form of slavery)

            Paperwork tiger, most does NOTHING useful, ineffective not reality

            Self perpetuating no way to fire incompetents, seniority system.

            Often create problems and cause more work, rather than solving it.

Problems (are you here to help with the solution or are you part of the problem?)


The government is often a refuge for those who can not do anything worth while in private sector, demand useless documentation (like a birth certificate - how stupid he is THERE!) Only react, management by crisis, not planing.


            INDECISIVE policy of never making decisions. (DOD prime example)

CAUSE EFFECT--- ACTION REACTION: If this, then this happens:

Taxes once introduced rarely if ever are terminated.


"Temporary" Restrictions become permanent.


"Small" social programs always expand exponentially.


Land (and other) speculation always leads to financial disaster as the bubble bursts. This form of theft can be halted by restrictions on taking out fast cash and linking responsibility for excessively inflated sales to future prices, particularly inflated prices to all past owners.


Public values will be converted to private values unless defended aggressively,  Public property is looked upon as belonging to "no one" thus are "stolen" and converted to private property.


Governments will indulge in deficit spending given virtually any excuse. This results in inflation equal to the fractional borrowing, since there is no value to offset the currency introduced into circulation, and if and only if there is 1) tangible security, such as a building and 2) a tax of limited duration which terminates upon pay off of the loan can borrowing be tolerated.


Governmental established Monopolies result in gain for special interest groups at the expense of the general public. (A form of redistribution of wealth, i.e. theft).    MONOPOLIES TYPES I) The inventor has something so far better than competition that everyone goes to that single source, voluntary ethical.

II) Established by private conspiracy to prevent competition and for unethical unearned gains. Particularly in life or death, necessities like drugs and medical treatment this equals theft;

III) Established by government license including protectionism, and also always is a form of theft.


Governmental "insurance", social security etc. Limited benefits turn into unrestricted benefits like conversion of minimal security shifted into a form of retirement;  other major benefits also are turned into open ended pork barrel instead of the intended limited intended purpose. These also grow exponentially as much as the public using it can get.


Entitlement (means not really entitled at all), expand until they choke society. They are parasitic: The mistletoe eventually kills even the strongest host tree.


The local police, schools, judges etc. are generally under tighter local control, thus more answerable to the local citizens. The more remote the government, the higher the corruption and the less ethical the rules etc. are. OBVIOUS answer, require actions at the most local possible level, with, at most, higher level supervision if they do not handle it locally adequately.  


Deficit spending will result in loss of values, inflation and is a form of stealing wealth from those who saved, to be squandered by those who do NOT save, the imprudent.

CENSORSHIP, this form of restriction of communication is used to gain unethical power, or to cover up other forms of crimes. It destroys the whole of society to the extent of its prevalence.


PRINCIPLE OF ENLIGHTENED SELF INTEREST: Cooperation, by cooperation we create and Increasing pie, & there is more to go around; by cooperation all can gain, some more, some less, but ALL gain, a win-win situation. vs::This is opposed by the General WU oriental philosophy- That assumes there is a Fixed pie: if I gain, then someone else must looses.


IDEA: society is continuously making gains, making progress, and at the same time it has elements making losses -- the overall progress is the sum of the individual gains or losses, and this applies to ETHICS as well as finances.(QUANTITATIVE ETHICS!! as a measure of social progress)


A bureaucracy created to solve a problem grows until it reaches enough people to solve the problem(s).  Once solved, the people have nothing more to do on that PROBLEM, so start requiring reports and other busy work to justify their existence. Thus they cause public, and bureaucratic burden and become a nuisance. We need to plan ahead and place a limit on numbers total at peak needs, and limit the length of employment when hired, i.e. with a planned reduction in employment as time passes to meet reduced problem.


Bureaucrats build private empires. They gain advancement by getting subordinates, and keeping them busy with reports about the nothing that they are doing, and then the subordinates in turn do the same thing to build a pyramid.


Bureaucrats build pyramidal structures, so that you have to get rid of all the really operational bottom levels first to get rid of the managers who probably were the problem in the first place. In any reduction insist that the reductions go NOT by numbers of people but by salary, and that more high paying top of pyramid managers are cut than lower paid workers. (number cut should be approximately proportional to salary).


Licenses and controls nominally to protect the public from malpractice, always gravitate into the control of those who are to be controlled, to THEIR personal benefit, as opposed to the public good and public benefit originally intended by the license or control.


Once a "license" is allowed, the government will tend to place more and more restrictions and control into the license, i.e. example driver's license to be sure of competence, is tied to car insurance; and car license plates (what was the original reason for Car license Plates?) to identify the owners, now requires an inspection and proof of insurance.


Any action required by the public should be paid for BY the public. Example car inspections should NOT be paid for by the car owner, but the public.  It is NOT something he really wants or he would voluntarily do it.  If it is something that the "public" wanted, to make sure his car was safe, and was THEIR interest so THEY should pay for their benefit.


If the FDA wants tests to certify a new drug product more than any drug company wants to do for their own product liability security, then the FDA should do those tests themselves and pay for them. They lack delegation to require the company to do more than it wants to do.


The quality of security in society is directly related to the quality of the police. If people respect the police, a perceived quality factor, then they will feel that they are their friends, and support them. Thus society functions well by cooperation. I cite London "Bobbies" of 1900-1940 as a prime example of high mutual confidence and cooperation.


This thin blue line is the shield between society in general and chaos. There are relatively few "Cops" in any city, usually less than 1% of the population. (note Cops comes from the copper buttons on the uniform of ca 1870 London.- also note the criminal's term "Dirty copper" for police who were careless in shining their buttons, and frequently had lost pride and were engaged in criminal actions themselves; i.e. the dirty coppers were a symptom of a more fundamental rot). The policemen themselves are the concrete representatives of society in general, who execute the law. They are our direct counterparts- our delegated alter egos if you will.  When they function well, society as a whole prospers, and when they do not function well society as a whole usually is insecure and is in decline. For this reason I cannot emphasize enough the pride that the police should feel in their services, and the pride we should feel in our representatives when they function well. While they are often looked down upon as being a menial (and often unpleasant) occupation, they are far from that, and they are the glue that holds society together, and closes breaches of social ethics. They literally put their life on the line for the rest of us, and every year a few are killed in the line of duty. Those killed in accidents are regrettable, but those killed by criminals are- to me at least- intolerable. I suggest that "cop killers" should be dealt with VERY quickly, and generally (with consideration of possible mitigating circumstances) be executed, surely and quickly. We must be sure that we punish the real culprit, but justice must be summary and quick in that case. The "police" function is difficult enough and we must deter violence against them with as much force as possible. I suggest that the endless appeals now going on must be terminated, and criminals must know that the penalty for cop killing is sure rapid death.

            POINT: the killer knows whether he did it or not, so use "truth drugs" to extract the truth and be sure of the guilt, - this is NOT torture which was the reason why self incrimination  was prohibited. Revert to basics, and use truth drugs in open court under very carefully administered conditions to be absolutely sure of the facts so as to insure justice in cases (like O J Simpson) where a circumstantially strong case makes the guilt probable, and remove the beyond probable doubt part of the case.

            Police must be well trained, and should be rewarded for their skills as they become more competent.  They must be very emotionally restrained, even to the point of being unemotional when handling otherwise highly charged situations. They must understand the laws, and ethics and be able even administer "justice" on the spot some in cases. We have both extremes where we should allow more individual discretion and where this has been abused and become indiscretion, causing the bean counter and button sorters to call for more rules. That is the wrong direction. WE need fewer "rules" and more flexible responsibility, but with being held responsible for their responsibility also must come more reward, and more protection from absurd counter claims. That also has been abused. Thus we also need an independent police to police the police, but with GREAT restraint to grant them the flexibility they must and should have. When they are doing their very best, they should be virtually immune to civil harassment; but when they become tyrannical bullies then there should be a mechanism to detect and quickly halt such actions. We have erred in both directions in recent history. (polarization, also complexity vs simplification). 




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