Publications List (EN)
International Journal of Science . Quantization of space-time. Photon Model Scientific method- Theory of Irrelevance. Link of Sun Spots to El Niño La Niña events History & Predictions of future El Niño La Niña events. Futurology:...
Chronology (EN)
The Chronology of Egypt Egypt has several anchor points, or exact dates. These start with the early dynastic period at 15 Feb 3080 BC being the exact known Julian date for the death of Enezib (or Merbi),...
The Scientific Method (EN)
A DIFFERENT VERSION of SCIENTIFIC METHOD WITH SPANISH TEXT BELIEF as necessary part of Innovaton As part of Religion Un-provable Assumptions THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD: Cannons of inquiry Descarte (1596-1650 AD) A) OBSERVATION: We start with observation, (not reason), Measurement, hopefully with...
Nexial Learning Techniques (EN)
NEXIAL LEARNING TECHNIQUES The mind can learn to learn. Also you can learn to think more clearly, and with fewer errors. There are “Nexial” techniques that aid in memory and manipulation of the massive amounts of...