Egptian Chronology (all)          

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Pre- Dynastic                                                                                          Start  Date   ~Julian Day Number

1 Narmer                          3308 TO 3251 BC    reigned 57yr               513177 +/- ~430 days

                                                                                                                START OF REIGN

THERE ARE 7 kings of the 1st dynasty                              RED are confirmed dates

                                                         (Julian day number set to 1 Jan  if precise date not known)

1 Hor-Aha-Men                    3251 TO 3189                        reigned 62y 6m 7d                533997

2 Zer or Djer                          3189 TO 3159                        reigned 29y                           556642 

3 Uadji    or Wadj                  3159 TO 3133                        reigned 26y                           567600

4 Den, Udimu, Khasty         3133 TO 3093                        reigned 40y                           577096

5 Enezib, Anedjib, Merib    3093 TO 3080                        reigned 13y                           591706

6 Semerkhet                        3080 TO 3072                   reigned 9y   15 Feb 3080 BC = 596499

7 Ka'a, Qaa, Behu, Bineter  3071 TO 3044                       reigned 28y                           599742


THERE ARE 9 kings of the 2nd dynasty

1 Hotepsekhemui Neterbeu  3043 TO 2997                      reigned 47y                           609969

2 Reneb KaKeu                      2996 TO 2958                      reigned 39y                           627135

3 Bineter                                  2957 TO 2910                      reigned 38y or 47y 10 mo    641380

4 Uathnes Sekhemib              2909 TO 2893                      reigned 17y                           658912

5 Sendi                                     2892 TO 2851                      reigned 37y                           665121

6 Neferkere                              2850 TO 2818                      reigned 32y (also 28, 48)     680462  reconstructed 32

7 NeferSokar                           2817 TO 2809                      reigned  8y 3m                      692515

8 Huthefi                                  2809 TO 2798                      reigned 11y 8m                     695437

9 Thethi Kheneri                    2798 TO 2771                      reigned 27y 2m 3d                699455



ARE 6 kings of the 3RD dynasty

1 NebKe Bebii                       2771 TO 2752                        reigned 19y                           709317

2 Thoser(Zoser)(NeterKhat Thoser) 2751 TO 2732        reigned 19y 3m                       716622  2751 is fixed yr

3 Thoser-tati                         2732 TO 2726                        reigned 6y                             726351

4 NebKere Sethes                2726 TO 2720                        reigned 6y 1m                       725753

5 NeferKeRe Huni                2720 TO 2696                        reigned 24y                           727944

6 Snofru Nebmaet                2696 TO 2672                        reigned 24y                           736710 

                                                                                                                    probable ~error +/-400 da


 THERE ARE 7 kings of the 4th dynasty

1 Kufu, Metheru (Cheops)                 2672 TO 2649        reigned 23y                           745476

2 Radadief, Kheper  (Ratoises)          2656 TO 2648        reigned 8y coregency         

3 Khefare Userib (Chephren- Suphis) 2649 TO 2631      reigned 18y                           753877

4 Shero ? (Soris)                                   2631 TO 2630        reigned 1y (less than 1)      

5 Menkaure,  Kekhet  (Mencheres)   2630 TO 2612        reigned 18y 4m 24d              760817

6 Shepsekef, Shepses (Sebbercheres) 2612 TO 2608     reigned 4y                             767291

7 Dedefptah  (Thamphthis)                2608 TO 2606        reigned 2y                             768852


THERE ARE 9 kings of the 5th dynasty

1 User-ka-f Ari-Maet                           2606 TO 2599        reigned 7y                             769583

2 SahuRa Nebkheu                              2599 TO 2585        reigned 14y          

3 Nefer-Ari-ka-Ra Neferkheu              2585 TO 2575        reigned 10y          

4 Shep-se-s-ka-Re                                2575 TO 2568        reigned 7y 9m 28d

5 Nefer-f-re (UserKhe-U)                    2568 TO 2548        reigned 21y          

6 N-user-s-r-Ra  Astib-toui                 2548 TO 2538        reigned 11y          

7 Men-Kau-hor  Hor-i-ka-u                 2539 TO 2531        reigned  8y           

8 Dadkare Issi                                       2532 TO 2493        reigned 39y          

9 Unas Uoth-toui                                 2494 TO 2464        reigned 30y                           811221

Dynasty total must be 142 yrs from turin fragment (2606 to 2464)


THERE ARE 6 kings of the 6th dynasty

1 Teti S-hotep-toui                               2464 TO 2456        reigned 8y 6m21d(or 12y6m21d)    821448

2 Userkere Atii                                      2456 TO 2453        reigned 6y or short                          824370       

3 Pepi Ba-Ra-p-p-ii Mer-rii (Pepi I)    2453 TO 2399        reigned 54y (49 + sure)       

4 MerienRa Mehti-m-su-f Ankh-ke-u 2401 TO 2387 coreg 9=14 total, 5y alone              842998-849573

5 Neferkare Ppii Neterkhu   (Pepi II)  2387 TO 2293 reigned 94y(longest recorded) (start age 6 died 100)

6 Mer-en-tie-m-suf                               2293 TO 2294        reigned 1y 1m                                   883906

7 Netjerykare                                         2294 TO 2294        very short

8 Menkare Nitocris                              2294 TO 2296        2 yr                         883541- 882810 ~error 800 days

                Turin total 168 yrs for 6 th dyn  (2464 - 2296)

                Turin lists total 955 yrs from start of 1 st to end  of 6 th  dyn  (3251 – 2296)  links to Dyn 1


THERE ARE 5 listed kings in the 7th dynasty

1 Neferkere                                            2294 TO ????        reign unknown    

2 Menkere                                             x  TO x+12              reigned 12y          

3 Neferkere Neby                                 x+12 TO x+34        reigned 22y          

4 Dedkeshemire(tet-ka-maet-Ra)        x+34 TO x+58        reigned 24y          

5 others, list uncertain, could include


Neferkahor, etc.                                    x+58 TO x+70

Thousimaere                                                                         reigned 12y          


8 th,   9 th,  and 10 th dynasty  chronology fragmentary, not even complete king list.


THERE ARE 7 kings of the 11th dynasty

1 Wahankh Intef                                  2152 to 2144          reigned 8y             935406 ~error about +/- 400 days

2 Nakhnebtepnefer Intef                     2144 to 2131          reigned 12y           938328

3 Senkhibtoui Menuhotep                  2131 to 2074,         reigned 49y           943077

4 Nebkhapere Menuhotep                  2074 to 2065,         reigned 8y             963896

5 Nebhaper Menuhotep                      2065 to 2012,         reigned 51+y         967183

6 Senkhkere Menuhotep                     2012 to 2000          reigned 12y           986541

7 Nebtouire Menuhotep                     2000 to 1992,         reigned 7y             991290


THERE ARE 8 kings of the 12th dynasty

1 Amenemhet I (Nem-mes-ut, Ra-s-hotep-ib, Ah-men-n-m-he-t) 994264 (from fixed date-29y)

                1992 to 15 Feb 1962, reigned 29Y-   9yr co-reign 1972-62               993846  (from1 Jan 1992)

2 Sesoris I (Ankh-mes-u-t, Ra-kheper-ke, User-s-r-t-s-n)         Note 15 Feb 1962 = 1004849 fixed date

                1972 to 1927, reigned 45Y-3 yr co-reign 1930-27                             1001151

3 Amenemhet II(Ah-kh-n-m-aet, Nub-karu-Ra, A-men-n-m-he-t)

                1930 to 1892, reigned 38Y-6yr co-reign 1898-92                              1016492

4 Sesoris II(S-she-m-toui, Ra-kheper-ka, user-s-r-ts-n)

                1898 to 1879, reigned 19Y-co-reign fractional yr at end                    1028190

5 Sesoris III(Neter-Kheper-ru, Ra-kh-kau, user-s-r-t-s-n)                             

                1879 to 1840, reigned 39Y-fractional yr at end                                   1035120

6 Amenemhet III(Oeh-beu, [wah-ankh],Ra-en-maet, A-men-n-m-he-t)

                1840 to 1791, reigned 49Y-NO COREGENCY                                   1049364

7 Amenemhet IV(Kheperu, Makheru-Ra, A-men-n-m-het)

                1840 to 1791, reigned 49Y-NO COREGENCY                                   1067262

8 (Queen)Sobnofru(Ra-mer-it, Sobk-neferu)

                1782 TO 1779, reigned  3 yr 10 m 4d =1399 days                             1070549- 1071948 end

(DYNASTY TOTAL 213y 1m 17d)=77792 days (1071948-993846=78102)=+310 days discrepancy

                                                                              (1071948-994264=77684)= –108 days discrepancy


1 Ahmose(Uth-kheperu, Neb-pehti-re, Ah-mose)

                14 Mar 1579 to 22 July 1554                reign 25y (4m 4d)                  1144780

2 Amenhotep I(Ke-wef, Thoser-ka-re, Amen-hotep)

                22 July 1554 to 14 March 1533           reign 20y 7m (29d)                1154027

3 Thuthmose I(Ke-nakht-meri-Maet, Aa-Kheper-Ke-Re, Thuth-mose)

                14 Mar 1533 to 18 Sep 1520                reign 12y 6m 22d                  1161568

4 Thuthmose II(Ke-nakht-usr-pehti, Aa-kheper-en-re, Thuth-mose)

                28 Sep 1521 to 10 Apr 1510                 reign 10y 6m 25d                  1166150

   Hatshepsut(Usr-t-keu, Maet-ke-Ra, Amen-men-se Het-shep-sut)

    QUEEN wife Thuthmose II always coregency 1521-1502,   19y                    1170005

5 Thuthmose III(Ke-nakht-khe-m-was, Men-kheper-Re, Thuth-mose)

                19 May 1510 to 22 Mar 1456               reign 53y 10m 26d                    1170029

6 Amenhotep II(Ke-nakht-smptiu, Aa-kheperu-Ra, Amenhotep)

    22 Nov 1457 to 23 Sep 1431,reign 25y 10m (10d), coregency 4 mo at start       1189580

7 Thuthmose IV(Ke-Nakht-tut-kha, Men-Kheper-Ra, Kha-Thuthmose)   

                23 Sep 1431 to 16 Jun 1421 reign 9y 8m (14d)                                   1199016

8 Amenhotep III(Ke-nakht-khe-m-maet, Neb-Maet-Ra, Amenhotep)

                16 Jun 1421 to 9 Jan 1382                    reign 38y 7m (6d)                  1202570

9 AKNATN or Amenhotep IV(Nefer-Kheperu-Ra-Ua-en-Ra, Ant-Aakhu-n)

                9 Jan 1382 to 1365                                reign 17y                                                1216656

10 Ankhkheperure/Smenkhare(Ankh-kheperu-Ra, Saa-ka-Ra-Ke-Tcher-Kheperu)

                1365 to 1361                                          reign 3y                                                  1222861

11 Tutankhamen(Neb-kheperu-Ra, Amen-tut-ankh-en-em-heb-ner-en-heru)

                1361 to 1352                                          reign 10y                                                1223956

12 Ay(kheper-kheperu-Ra, Ari-Maet-Ai)

                1352 to 1348                                          reign 4y                                                  1227606

13 Horemheb(Thoser-Keperu-Ra, Amen-em-heb-mer-en-Heru)

                1348 to 1323                                          reign 25y                                                1229066

(known 59y close of Amenhotep III to end Horemheb)



0 Horemheb also listed as last king 18th-please see also           1348 TO 1323        1229066

1 Ramses I(Men-pehti-Ra, Ra-mes-s-su)                    1323 TO 25 Dec 1322             1239191

2 Seti I(Men Maet Ra, P-t-ah-meri-Set-ii)           25 Dec 1322 TO 8 Jan 1304           1238556

3 Ramses II(Ra User Maet-setep-en-Ra, Ra-a-men-n-mes-s-s) 8 Jan 1304 TO 1237 1245145

4 Merneptah(Ba-en-Ra, Mer-en-p-t-ah-hotep-her-maet)                 1237 TO 1222        1269610

5 Amenmeses(Men-n-ma-Ra-setep-en, Amen-mes-s-s of Thebes)1222 TO 1216     1275089

6 Seti II(Ra-User-Kheperu-Amen, Set-ii-Mer-en-p-t-ah)                  1216 TO 1210        1277280

7 SaPtah(Askhu-Kh-en-Ra-Setep-en, P-t-ah-mer-en-ptah)            1210 TO 1205        1279472

8 (Queen)Sitre-meryet-amun Tewosret                                            1209 TO 1204        1279837

9 Arsu a syrian                                                                                     1205 TO 1200        1281298



1 Setnekht(User-khau-Ra-setep-en, Ra-Amen-Seth-nekht-mer-r-r)

                1200 to 1198                          reign  2y                 1283124

2 Ramses III(User-Maet-mer-Amen-Ra, Ra-mes-s-s)

                1198 to 1167                          reign  32 y              1283855

3 Ramses IV(Ra-User-maet-setep-en-Amen. Ra-mes-s-s)

                1167 to 1161,                         reign 6 y                 1295178

4 Ramses V (Ra-user-maet-s-kheper-n, Ra-Amen-Amen-meri-mes-s-f)

                1161 to 1157                          reign 4y                  1297369

5 Ramses VI (Ra-Amen-Maet-meri-neb[nebmaeremeriamun], Ra-mes-s-s)

                1157 to 1148                                                          1298830

6 Ramses VII (Ra-User-Amen-meri-Ra-Setep-en, Ra-Ra-mes-s-s-a-t)

                1148 to 1147                          reign  2y                 1302117

7 Ramses VIII (Ra-Amen-user-Aakhu-en, Ra-Amen-meri-Mes-s)

                1147 to 1140                                                          1302483

8 Ramses IX(Ra-nefer-ke-ra-setep-en, Ra-mes-s-sKha-em-Uast-Maet-merii-Amen)

                1140 to 1121                          reign  19 y              1305039

9 Ramses X (Ra-Kheper-maet-ra-setep-en, Ra-mes-s-s-Amen-her-khpesh-f)

                1121 to 1113                          reign  8y                 1311979

10 Ramses XI(Ra-men-Maet-Ptah-setepen, Ra-mes-s-s-Kha-Usat-meri-Amen)

                1113 to 1085                          reign  28y               1314901


THERE ARE 7 kings of the 21st dynasty

1 SEMENDES OR NESHEBBANEBDED (Hedjkheperre-setepenre Smendes)

                                                                                                1112 to 1086          reigned 26y           1325266

2 Nepherkheres(Nefrkare-hikwast-Amen-emnisu)          1086 to 1082          reigned 4y             1324763

3 Psusennes I(Akherer-Setepenamun-Psusennes)        1082 to 1031          reigned 50y           1326224

4 Amenmope(Usermare-Setepenamun-Amenmope)      1031 to 981            reigned 49y           1344852

5 Osokhor                                                                              981 to 975              reigned 6y             1363114

6 Siamun (Nutekheper-setepenAmun-Siamun)               975 to 955              reigned 19y           1365306

7 Psusennes II                                                                      955 to 940              reigned 15y           1372611




The 21st Dynasty At Tanis was contemporary with Priest-kings at Thebes

 KINGS AT TANNIS                                           PRIEST KINGS AT THEBES

1 Semendes         1112-1086 BC (26y)                1 Herihor      1116-1108

or Neshebbanebded (assumed title 1112)         (Herihor assumed royal title 1112/1)

 (Hedjkheperre-setepenre Smendes)                 2 Piankh       1108-1104

 (note 1112 overlaps end 20th dynsaty)           3 Painutem I   1104-1073                                     

2 Nepherkheres(Nefrkare-hikwast-                    (assumed title 16 Semendes 1096 as

Amenemnisu)     1086-1082 BC (4y)    `             Kheperkhare-Setpenamun)

3 PsusennesI(Akheper-Setepenamun-             4 Masahert (priest)

  Psusennes)       1082-1031 BC (50y)                 5 Menkheperre(priest)

4 Amenemope(Usermare Setpenamun-            6 Smendes(Nesbenebded)

  Amenmope)        1031-981 BC (49y)                 7 Painutem II(Priest-Thebes)

5 Osokhor              981-975 (6y)

6 Siamun(Nutekheperre-setepenAmun-           Painutem II ctd.

  Siamun)              975-955 BC (19y) 

7 Psusennes II(killed Siamun ending dyn.,and was killed by Sheshonk of Eheninsi (Heracleopolis),founding next dynasty below, moved to Pibast from Heracleopolis.)

 (TitKheperuRe SetepenAmun)  955-940 (15Y)



THERE ARE 9 kings of the 22nd dynasty


1 Sheshonk I(Hetch-Kheper-Ra Setepen-Ra Shaahanq)               940 TO 919 reigned 21y       1378089

2 Osorkon I(Sekhem-kheper-Ra Setepen-ra-Uasasken)                 919 TO 883 reigned 36y       1385760

3 Takelot I(User-maet-Ra Setep-en-Amen Thekreth)                     883 TO 860 reigned 23y       1398909

4 Osorkon II(User-Maet-Ra Setep-en-Amen Uasarken) 880 TO 830 reigned 28y alone, 20 cor. 1400004

5 Sheshonk II(Shesh-kheper-Ra Setep-en Amen)                          coregent only                       1401004

6 Takelot II(Hetch-kheper-Ra Setep-en-Ra Thekreth)                    830 TO 813 reigned 27y       1418267

7 Sheshonk III(User-maet-Ra Setep-en-Ra Shashanq)                  813 TO 763 reigned 52y       1424476

8 Piamy(User-Maet-Ra Setep-Amen Pamai)                                    763 TO 758 reigned  6y        1442739

9Sheshonk V                                                                                         758 TO 723 reigned 35y       1444200


THERE ARE 5 listed kings in the 23rd dynasty

1 Petebast (Seher-ab-Ra Peta-Bast sa bast)                     786 TO 763            reign 23y                                1434338

2 Sheshonk IV (Aa-Kheper-Ra setep-en-amen

                Uasarkena Meri-Amen Ra)                                 763 TO 757            reigned 6y                             1442739

3 Osorkon III                                                                         757 TO 743            reigned 14y                           1444930

4 Takelot III                                                                           743 TO 723            reigned 20y                           1450044 

5 Amenrod Osorkon IV                                                       723 TO 723                                                            1457349

 conquest by 24th dyn 723



TWENTY THIRD DYNASTY, contemporary rule,Tanis, Pibast, and Thebes

Piankh-meri-Amen of Nubia at Napta conquers/defends both 723 BC

Twenty Third Dynasty at Thebes,priests at Thebes

    KINGS AT TANIS                            PRIESTS AT THEBES

1 Petebast I           786-763                  Harsiese II

2 Sheshonk IV      763-757                  Takelot

3 Osorkon III         757-743                   Yewelot son Osorkon III

4 Takelot III           743-7(23)                Semendes

5 Amenrud and Osorkon IV to 723 BC



Twenty Second Dynasty from Pibast, 9 kings


1 Sheshonk I      940-919(21y)                             1 Yewepet son Sheshonk I

  (Hetch-kheper-Ra Setep-en-ra Shaahanq)

2 Osorkon I       919-883(36y)                              2 Sheshonk son Osorkon I

  (Sekhem-kheper-Ra Setepen-Ra Uasarken)

3 Takelot I       883-860(23y)                                3 Harsiese I son Sheshonk priest

  (User-maet-Ra Setep-en-Amen Thekreth)

4 Osorkon II      880-830(28y)                              4 Nimrod son Osorkon II

  (User-Maet-Ra Setep-en-Amen Uasarken)

5 Sheshonk II (coregent only-Seshesh-kheper-Ra Setep-en Amen)

6 Takelot II      830-813(25y)                                5 Osorkon son Takelot II

 (Hetch-kheper-Ra Setep-en-Ra Thekreth meri-Amen-sa-Ast)

7 Sheshonk III    813-763(52y)                            6 Harsiese II

  (User-maet-Ra setep-en-Ra Shashanq) (23rd splits off here)

8 Piamy           763-758(6y)                   7 Osorkon and Takelot

 (user-maet-Ra Setepen-Amen Pamai)             

9 Sheshonk V (IV below) 758-723                      8 Harsiese II (again)



Twenty Fourth Dynasty   from Sais in Delta     two kings

1 Tefnakhte(ShepsesRa Tafnekht)                    723-715 BC            reigned 8 yrs

2 Bocchoris(Uah-ka-Ra Bakenrenef)                 715-709 BC            reigned 6 yrs


Twenty Fifth Dynasty, from Napta Ethiopia 5 Kings, took Egypt 723

1 Piankh(A-men-n-mer-pa-ankh-ii)(User-maet-Ra Piankh Meri-Amen-Sa-Bast)        751 to 715              1447122

2 Shabako(Nefer-ka-Ra Sha-ba-ka)                                                                                   715 to 703              1460271

3 Shabatuka(Tet-Kau-Ra Amen-Mer-Sha-Ba-En-Ka)                                                    703 to 691              1464654

4 Taharga(Nefr-T-em-aa-khu-Ra Ta-ha-ra-ka)                                                 691 to 665              1469037

5 Tanutamun(Ba-ka-Ra Amen Ta-nu-ah-t)                                                                      665 to 663              1478533



THERE ARE 6 kings of the 26th dynasty                       

1 Psammetichus I(Uah-ab-Ra Pa-s-m-t-ek)                       663 TO 609            reigned 54y           1479264

2 Necho(U-hem-ab-Ra N-Ka-U)                                         609 TO 594            reigned 15y           1498987

3 Psammetichus II(Nefer-ab-Ra Pa-s-m-t-ek)                   594 TO 588 reigned 6y                         1504466

4 Apries(Nophra)(Haa-ab-Ra Uah-ab-Ra)                        588 TO 568 reigned 20y                       1506657

5 Amasis(Khenem-ib-Ra Aa-mes-is-ba)                           568 TO 525 reigned 43y                       1513962

6 Psamtechus III(Ankh-ka-Ra P-s-m-te-k)                        525 TO 525 reigned under 1 yr           1513962




THERE ARE 5 listed kings in the 27th dynasty


1 Cambyses(Mesut-ra Kh-m-ba-a-s-t,Khen-b-u-tch,Kh-am-ba-s-su-t-T-en-t) 525 to 522        1529668

2 Darius I(Setut-Ra Antriusha)                                                                          522 to 485              1530764

3 Xerxes I(KhSha-ii-ah-a-ar-sha-ah)                                                  485 to 464              1544278

4 Artaxerxes I(A-ar-kha-sha-s-sha)                                                                   464 to 424              1551948

5 Darius II(Meri-Amen-Ra-Neb-hebuser-khepesh Antariis-sha)                 424 to 404              1566558



There is a single king in the 28th dynasty

1 AMYRTAIUS   404-398 BC  


THERE ARE 4 listed kings in the 29th dynasty

1 Neferites I (Ba-enRa N-ahifaAuru-t)                                              398 to 392              1576055

2 Acoris (Hakor)(Khem-maet-Ra Hah-g-ra)                                     392 to 380              1578246

3 Psamouthis(Psimut)(Ptah User setep-en-Ra Psa-Mut)               380 to 379              1578246

4 Neferites II (reign about one year total)                                        379 to 378              1578246



THERE ARE 3 listed kings in the 30th dynasty

1 Neferites I (Ba-enRa N-ahifaAuru-t) Acoris (Hakor)(Khem-maet-Ra Hah-g-ra) 378 to 361 1583360

2 Psamouthis(Psimut)(Ptah User setep-en-Ra Psa-Mut)                               361 to 359              1589569

3 Neferites II(reign about one year total)                                                         359 to 341              1590300


THERE ARE 3 listed kings in the 31st dynasty

1 Artaxerxes III Ochus(Kheper-ka-Ra Nekht-neb-nef)                                   341 to 338              1596874

2 Arses (Qa-ka-Ra Ra-ba-An)                                                                            338 to 335              1597970

3 Darius III Codomannus (User-maet-Ra Setep-en-Amen Amen-rut meri-Amen)     335 to 330  1599066


THERE are 15 kings in the 32ND dynasty

1 ALEXANDER the GREAT                                              330-322                   1600892

2 PTOLMEY I SOTER                                                         322-285                   1603814

3 PTOLMEY II PHILADELPHIUS                                         288-247                   1616232

4 PTOLMEY III EUERGETES                                             247-222                   1631208

5 PTOLMEY IV PHILOPATOR                                          222-205                   1640339

6 PTOLMEY V EPIPHANES                                               205-182                   1646548

7 PTOLMEY VI EUPATOR                                                182-182                   1654949

8 PTOLMEY VII PHILOMETOR                                        182-146                  

9 PTOLMEY VIII PHILOPATOR NEOS                           146-146                   1668098

10 PTOLMEY IX PHYSCON                                              146-117                   1668098

11 PTOLMEY X PHILOMETOR SOTER II                      117-110                   1678690

12 PTOLMEY XI ALEXANDER                                        107-81                     1682343

13 PTOLMEY XII ALEXANDER II                                    81-81                       1691839

14 PTOLMEY XIII AULETES                                            81-51                       1691839

15 CLEOPATRA VI                                                             51-30                       1702797





FIRST,at Memphis begining wiht MENES                                                                                      3251-3044

SECOND a Northen family at Memphis                                                                                           3043-2771

THIRD, at Memphis, including ZOSER or Thoser and step Pyramid                                          2771-2672

FOURTH,Old kingdom,or Pyramid Dynasty at Memphis Including KUFU/CHEOPS              2672-2608

FIFTH or Smaller Pyramid Dynasty from Heracleopolis/Eheninsi                                               2608-2459

SIXTH,end of Old Kingdom                                                                                                               2459-2294

SEVENTH  including start of first intergium                                                                                    2294-2250

EIGHTH,ingergium,incomplete data                                                                                           2200-2171

NINTH, at Heracleopolis, very incomplete data                                                                             2171-2157

TENTH,lower Egypt, very incomplete data                                                                                     2157-2022

ELEVENTH, at Thebes end of intergium                                                                                          2151-1991

TWELFTH, Theban, but Just S of Memphis, Middle kingdom                                                    1991-1779

THIRTEENTH, from Thebes, End of Middle Kingdom                                                             1779-1626

14th incomplete list of minor kings                                                                                                   1785-1601

15th or Hyksos period                                                                                                                         1601-1563

16th Kings of the sea coast and Delta                                                                                              1690-1563

17th Theban kings founding New Kingdom                                                                                   1730-1579

18th at Thebes, NEW KINGDOM, Amenhotep and Thuthmose                                              1579-1348/1323

19th at Tunis, Reformation including Ranses II (Horemheb included=1323 )                            1348/1323-1204

20th Ramside dynasty                                                                                                                         1204-1098

21st Priest kings Thebes and Tannis                                                                                                1098 - 946

22nd at Bubastis/Pibast, Sheshonk and Osorkon                                                                            940 - 723

23rd Thebes ctd.                                                                                                                                    776 - 723

24th Tefnakhta and Bocchoris                                                                                                             723 - 709

25th Ethiopian from Napata                                                                                                                  751 - 663

26th or Saite after Assyrian conquest in 665 BC                                                                              663 - 525

27th Persian, Cambyses to Darius                                                                                                       525 - 404

28th Amyrtaius 404-398 BC                                                                                                                  404 - 398

29th local reign again .             . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   398 - 378

30th Nectanebo Teos                                                                                                                            378 - 341

31st Persian Artaxerxes, Arses, Darius                                                                                               341 - 330

32nd Ptolmaic




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