This is the most useful and most complete file. It has people related to the surname LAWLER descended from the migrant James LAWLER appears 1790 Mercer Co., KY marries Nancy LEE of the Virginia family of Lees (Col Richard LEE died 1664 tidewater Va. several major families).. It also includes MAJOR medieval files, mostly British Nobility and Royalty. The Royalty spreads to virtually all other Western nations such as Spain, France, Denmark, Italy etc going back into Roman, Persian, Egyptian (Ramses II), and so on to literally Adam. More recently it has major files for STOUT, COMPTON, SAVELY, SMITH (of TN. and KY). BELCHER, NEELY, VAN DYKE, GRINTER, HATCHETT, HILL, JOYNER (Joiner), TURNER, and MURRAY. By locality there are data from mid KENTUCKY including the counties of Simpson, Logan, Butler, Barren, Metcalfe, Warren, Mercer, and some from Green, Hart, and middle south Ky. From TENNESSEE there is major data from SUMNER, Davidson, Wilson, DeKalb, Smith and Robertson counties. Note again middle north TN adjoining the KY zone. There is also data from colonial VA, NC and New Amsterdam (NY NJ) This file is a zip backup for Personal Ancestor File (PAF) version 5.2 . You will need that program to access the data. It is a free program available from www.familysearch.org. Any other format would take up more than 4 times the space and transmission download time. In this specific case 23.2 megs for the PAF data file versus 4.33 megs for the zip backup compressed file and 17.6 megs for a GED file. There are 46, 000 names total. about 3,000 Lawler and direct descendants of James Lawler (1760-1840), 9,000 Stout, and 5,000 Lee names being the three largest.
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