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As people age they "mature." There are a series of words which are used to

describe that progression and to paint a picture of people in each stage.

These are shown below:



Stage AGE (yrs from birth)    WORDS                           PLANS

 0)                             Fetal, Embryonic (Conception to Birth)     

 1)     0-1                    Baby                                           now

lb     (0-l mo)              (Newborn birth - 1 mo., Neonatal)   now

lc)   ( l-l2mo)                (Infant to 1 yr)                              now

  2)    1-3                     Toddler                                        min

  3)     3-6                    Child (Early Childhood, preschool)  hr

4a)     6-12                  Youth (Late childhood-school)        day

4b)    12-14                 Youth to puberty                           days

  5)    14-16                 Adolescent (pre-teen age)             week

6b)     16-18                Young Man Young Woman            mo

6c)     18-20                Transitional

6d)     20-22                Young Gentleman I Young Lady    months

  7)     23-28                Adult                                           1-2 yrs

7a)     29-35                Mature                                         2-5 yrs

7b)     36-39                Late maturity                                5-10 yrs

7c)     40-49                Middle age                                  25 + yrs

7d       50-65               Late Middle age

  8)      65-75               Elderly                                       100 yrs

8b        75-                  old Age


These words correlate well for example to the time span for which they plan ahead. That is shown approximately on the right margin. Note that all people do not mature at the same rate, and the ages shown are more or less an average or typical time. Just as there are variations in IQ or any other human sociological variable, these have a distribution as well as a mean. It is believed without adequate proof that the distribution hers is a Maxwellian normal distribution (an log basis) and that 1 σ is roughly 35% (on log basis) of the mean value, 2 σ about 67% of the mean. This is a rather broad range of planning time and when converted to absolute numbers it means more than a factor of ± 2 range (0.67 fraction) or ± 4 (for 0.95 fraction) as expected variability.


The maturity scale appears with sexual behavior,  religion, ethics, correlates with mathematics, or any other "individual" progression.  This also implies that all individual progressions can also be interrelated on the average. However, individuals may vary between progressions, thus not quite track the mean. Thus a person may be "advanced" mathematically and retarded" in ethics,-or visa versa. Yet )f a person is faster than normal in one progression it is usual to expect them to be advanced in others. There is an overall 75-80% correlation between progressions, the exact same factor with IQ or "0" factor in inheritance. I suggest that this is not accidental.





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