Religions are based upon BELIEF. That which we can perceive, using observation does not belong to Religion, but rather to Science. Science and the scientific method deals neither with things which we can not observe. nor with things which are not reproducible. For something to be scientific it must be both observable, and reproducible. Thus the domain of science and the domain of religion are clearly set, and mutually exclusive. However, as we progress more things fall into science, as we have more and better observations, and thus these are are removed from speculation and religion. Religion and politics also do not mix. Allowing either to get mixed into the other is always a recipe for disaster. This mixture of belief which can not be proven with behavioral rules which all are observable is a sure way to restrict freedom, close options for beneficial and productive behavior, and worse restrict behavior to stagnant and UNREAL patters. If you cannot prove it, then you must not try to control it until you know what you are doing. The odds of being wrong are MUCH greater than of being right. GOD = GOOD AND/ OR EVIL ANTONYMS James H.L. Lawler 1987 revised 1994,1999
In order to be able to recognize the works of God (to be more like Him) and of Satan (things to be avoided) I found it desirable to make a list of the characteristics of both.
GOD Satan God is Love Hate God is Truth father of all lies Glory is intelligence Thrives on and promotes ignorance Orderly, decreasing entropy disorderly, increasing entropy Creator destroyer Eternal (outside space-time) temporal (Is, was, and ever will be) get it now! Irresponsibility. Future, makes plans has no future, here-now-only Open, public, accessible secret, hidden, private, inaccessible Light darkness Merciful vengeful, spiteful, threatening Just unjust Benevolent malevolent Giving, Graceful selfish, jealousy, envy, niggardly, greed, won't steal/ gyp others thief, taking, possessiveness gave life, separate existence conspires to kill, murder, enslave gave our unique identity conspires to remove, destroy identity gave ability to observe confounds observation, trickery, illusion gave memory, history here-now; no past (and no future) gave ability to reason unreason, illogical, irrational gave ability to choose Unquestioning obedience, unethical knowledge good and evil enslavement, wants power over others free agency, limited choices force, power, enslavement, "government"(!) self responsibility irresponsible, BLAME, blame someone else! non-interference incessant interference, pervasive operates by laws, rules magic, miracles, un-lawful, avoids rules and uses mysticism, get something for nothing consistent, unchanging changeable, inconsistent quiet, unobtrusive boisterous, aggressive, belligerent "invisible" chrome and tinsel, flagrant. gentle persuasion contentious, argumentive, controversy self-confidence vanity, pride (false), pomposity,Guilt, Shame INNOCENCE, "without sin" Sin, repeat offenses, lack of conscience Conscience, right wrong "there is no right or wrong", permissive Responsibility = Reward Get something for nothing, separation of reward from responsibility for actions Sexual, = Sex is good Asexual, Androgynous, (homosexual?) turns sex into something "dirty", to be hidden, demeaning, as opposed to highest human function. Reproduction ("in his own image") Abortive, selfish can not value children Not all of Father's kids turned out CHILDLESS, a dead end. (hates children) (So why should yours be any better?) Patient long suffering Abrupt, impatient, intolerant Simple -true - plain Complexity, contorted, gaudy Values If it looks to be too good to be true, it is
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